Zigermeet 2019
Short Notice: LSPOspotter was not allowed to take part of the Zigermeet as official media. We were rejected, because we are not listed as official community or business in the aviation industry. Nevertheless we went there on short notice...
We went to Mollis by car and already stuck in traffic when we wanted to leave the autobahn. There was a long traffic jam beginning at the parking and ending on the highway. We thought we were early enough, but no chance. We needed about one hour from the highway to the parking of the event. The first display have already been flown when we entered the airshow area. So I searched for the same spot I already were the last time. It took another hour to get through the crowd of people. Unfortunately the organizer did not left much space to walk through the huge stands of the exhibitors.
This year the Zigermeet had a pretty nice speaker which explained a lot about the formations and aircrafts which flew amazing displays in the tiny valley. The first planes which had the honour to show their skills were old-timer planes which slowly cruised circles and showed their maneuverability. Before noon the first jet aircrafts also lifted of and it gave me goose bumps to finally hear a real jet engine again, after a long time! The first jet I could really enjoy was the Eurofighter Typhoon. Sadly I missed the first display of the Tiger Hunter.
After the Eurofighter showed his skills, we could enjoy some more quiet displays. For example the birdman which flew his powered paraglider together with a few geese! A pretty unusual sight. Especially when we remember what happens normally if aircrafts and birds get close to each other...
The prelude after the lunch time made the Dassault Rafale of the Armee de l'Air with a amazing and powerfull display! Followed of the beautiful sound of over a dozen radial engines! Right after the last sonority got inaudible, we heared the next jet engines. This time of the Baltic Bees Jet Team which was quest in Switzerland for the first time ever! They did a highly precise display in the hilly terrain.
The next display block was loud again. Beginning with the Swiss Air Force F/A-18 Solo Display, followed by the Flying Bulls Acrobatic Team and ending with the fantastic Saab Viggen! This jet was one of the main reasons to attend the Zigermeet 2019!
With a short interruption of the Tiger Hunter, which flew its second display today we got to see some helicopter action now! The RedBull Bo105 is always a cool sight and I'm every time fascinated about the ability of this helicopter! The Swiss Air Force countered with the Super Puma Display Team and showed, once again, a great display. The Pilatus P-3 Flyers which entered the airshow area together with the Super Puma showed the agility of the famous Swiss aircrafts. Remember, when the P-3 is so agil, how is it on the PC-7, -9 or -21?
After this amazing displays, it went on strike on strike. The Patrouille Suisse arrived to the second in Mollis and performed a re-newed display with flare action! Followed by the Swedish Saab Gripen with an amazing performance and a lot of smoke. Then again one of my personal reasons to visit the Zigermeet: The Mil Mi-24 HIND of the Czech airforce! This helicopter sets its own standard!
Last but not least I enjoyed also the display of the Croatian Krila Oluje display team which flies the Swiss Pilatus PC-9 in formation. After this display I went through the static display and had also a short look into the Airbus A400M. In my opinion one of the most beautiful military prop aircrafts around.
So in the end it was worth to visit Zigermeet 2019! They had some unusual and interesting parts, in the air and on the ground! The organisation of the event was pretty good, only the traffic could probably be handled a little bit better. Also food and drink stands were well prepared for the amount of people. So, see you next time Zigermeet, and probably, until then, we cound as official media team! ;-)